Amedeo Clemente Modiglani (July 12, 1884—January 24, 1920) , was an Italian artist, painter and sculptor, but mainly worked in France. The Italian artist Amedeo,  primarily a figurative artist, became known for paintings and sculptures in a modern style, characterized by mask-like faces and elongation of form. Being criticized by the contemporary ethos conservatives for the specially on creations of nude paintings by Amedeo, and he was not gained recognition until later generations. Mondigiliani had nurtured by ancient and Renaissance, effecting by the Neo-Impressionism at the end of the 19th century, as well as with African art, Cubism and other art shools in the period of stimulation, he produced a very personal style, which was characterized by graceful arcs of portraits, and then became one of the representative of expressionism painting artist.
The Italian artist Amedeo was born into a Jewish family in a port city, Livorno, Italy, where had long served as a refuge for those persecuted for their religion, and was home to a large Jewish Community. His maternal great-great-grandfather has immigrated to Liorno in the 18th century as a rufugee. He was the fourth child, whose birth coinsided with the disastrous financial collapse of his father’s business interest. Amedeo’s birth saved the family from ruin. According to an ancient law, creditors would not seized the bed of a pregant woman or a mother with a newborned child. Modigiliani had a close relationship with his mother, who taught him at home until he was 10. His mother was, in many ways, instrumental in his ability to pursue art as a vocation. When he was 11 years old, she had noted in her diary: “The child’s character is still so unformaed that I cannot say that I think of. He beliees like a spoiled child, but he does not lack intelligence. We shall have to wait and see what is inside this chrysalis. Perhaps an artist?”
The Italian artist Amedeo was known to have drawn and painted from a ery early age, and thought himself “already a painter”, his mother wrote, een before beginning formal studies. Despite her misgivings that if launching him on a course of studying art would impinge upon his other studies, his mother indulged the young Modigliani’s passion for the subject. He spent much of his life time in France. In 1906, he moved to Paris, when he first arrived in paris, he wrote home regularly to his mother. He later befriended Jacob Epstein, they aimed to set up a studio together with a shared vision to create a Temple of Beauty to be enjoyed by all, for which he created drawings and paintings of the intended stone caryatids for “The Pillars of Tenderness”, which would support the imagined temple. However, within a year of arriving of Paris, his demeanour and reputation had changed dramatically. He transformed himself from a dapper academician artist into a sort of prince of vagabonds. In 1909, Modigliani returned home to Livorno, sickly and tired from his wild lifestyle. But soon he was back to Paris, and this time renting a studio in Montparnesse. He originally saw himself as a sculptor rather than a painter, and was encouraged to continue.
During his early years in Paris,  the Italian artist Amedeo worked at a forious pace. He was constantly sketching, making as many as a hundred of drawings a day, especially like to drew nude paintings by Amedeo. However, including nude paintings by Amedeo, many of his works were lost—destroyed by him as inferior, left behind in his frequent changes of address, or given to girlfriends who did not keep them. He died in January 24 in 1920 at the age of 35 in Paris of tubercular meningtis, exacerbated by poverty, overwork and addition to alcohol and narcotics. Though many od Modigliani’s works were lost, there are still hundreds of his masterpieces left behind to now. We can find the his original masterpieces and copy it to collect in ourselves. Our artist are able to paint kinds of painting of reproductions by hand, whichever you want, just tell us and we will content you !